Since 2007, the Angel Wing Fund has raised over $160,000through donations and various fundraisers. It was Keisha’s wish to be able to provide financial support to those families and children who have bee affected by cancer. She truly believed that the dreams of a child should not end because their parent has cancer.
In 2016, The Board of Director from the Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund established the following endowed scholarships in Keisha’s memory:
Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund Scholarship @ Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation
2017 Recipients – Joseph Backus II, Alysha Burns & Stephanie Ley
Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund Scholarship @ Sacred Heart Academy
This financial scholarship is awarded to a Sacred Heart Academy, impacted by cancer, in the form of tuition assistance.
Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund Scholarship @ Central Michigan University
2017 Recipient – Jeremiah Morin
Coach Brown Memorial Award for Outstanding Service @ Alma College
2016 Women’s Volleyball
2017 Track & Field